Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Where to find election results...

"Brigham City and Perry primary elections are today with polling places closing at 8 p.m.

In Brigham City, vote at USU Brigham City campus, 195 West 1100 South. Voters will cast their ballot for two of the vacant city council seats. Candidates for office are Dean Lester, Thomas Peterson, Becky Maddox, Lee Johnson or Dennis (DJ) Bott.

In Perry, voters will cast their ballots at Three Mile Creek Elementary School, 2625 South 1050 West. The candidates for mayor are Karen Cronin, Stephen Francis and David Daniels. Candidates for city council include Bruce Lyon, Brady Lewis, Maurice Roche, Earl Pannebaker, Boyd Montgomery, Esther Montgomery and Toby Wright.

Results will be posted at www.boxeldercounty.org/elections and www.benewsjournal.com."
From Box Elder News and Journal

Please Remember to Vote Today!

Today is the day of the primary election in Brigham City.  All Brigham City residents please remember to vote today!  I really appreciate all your support...looking forward to finding out the results of the primary.  Thank you all!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dean Lester's Boy Scouting Service

This picture is of me in my Scout uniform. 

 It was taken by a good friend many years ago before there were any gray hairs in my beard. Boy Scouting was important to my character development. As a boy I was fascinated by the outdoors. I couldn’t wait to be a Boy Scout. I had some great Scout leaders here in Brigham City. I became an Eagle Scout. I worked as staff for seven years at Camp Bartlett and Camp Loll. I am Wood Badge trained and was a Scout Master when my children were young. I am currently a Scout Committee Member. The principles of the Scout Oath and Law continue to be my moral compass. Jumping into the ice cold lake at Camp Loll is a bit like running for City Council, now I’ve jumped in it’s time to swim. On my honor I will do my best.