Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Supporting Brigham City Senior Citizens...

How many of you are a senior citizen or love a senior citizen who lives in Brigham City?

Here I am with two of my favorite seniors, Deloss Everton and Karen Schriver Everton in front of our wonderful senior center. Brigham’s Senior Center improves the quality of life for an important segment of our community. Nutrition programs, camaraderie through crafts and field trip opportunities are just a few of the valuable services provided for our seniors. I have heard some seniors comment that the senior center is the friendliest in the state. I pledge continued support to this valuable resource.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Library Board Service

I believe deeply in the value of serving one's community.  Growing up in Brigham City and raising my three daughters in Brigham City I found out how important public, family oriented places are in contributing to a high quality of life.  Places like parks, libraries, community centers, and senior centers all make Brigham a wonderful little city-and anyone and everyone despite your income are invited and welcome to use these services.  My family made great use of the Library and I felt that I could give back to that organization by volunteering to serve on the board.  I served on the Library board for nine years.  These meetings have given me experience in understanding budgets and decision making in a collaborative setting similar to that of the city council.  I would love to continue to serve Brigham City as a City Council member.  Please consider voting for me in the primary election on August 13th.  Thank you!